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“1-oktabr — Ustoz va murabbiylar kuni” bilan tabriklaymiz!


“1-oktabr — Ustoz va murabbiylar kuni” bilan tabriklaymiz!


                                                                   Dear teachers and mentors!

  First of all, I would like to sincerely congratulate you, dear ones, all concerned workers of the sphere of education on the holidays - Teacher and Mentor Day. On this significant day, it is difficult to fully express in words the high respect and good wishes that we nurture in our hearts and minds for you, hard-working teachers. Because you are great people who work with true dedication to create the most priceless wealth and eternal heritage in the world to pass it on to our people, to our young generation. That great wealth is intelligence and knowledge, and that enduring legacy is a good education.

In our society, we recognise kindergarten teachers, schoolteachers, university professors and lecturers, and scientific and creative intellectuals as the four pillars of the Third Renaissance, to which we aspire today. With this in mind, we will certainly pick up the work we have started to raise their esteem, in particular to restore the value, honour and pride of teachers and educators, to materially and morally reward their hard and honourable work.
   Once again I congratulate you, dear ones, on this bright holiday, I wish you all good health, happiness, great success in your noble work, blessings on your homes.
Be always healthy, dear teachers!   

  Therefore, you accept our noble wishes, bows and gratitude, which we express to you today as a symbol of boundless respect and honour of all our people,  Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in his congratulatory speech.